A) Friends Only
Honest - No sexual interest - Age Group difference 0 to 12 years most right -- Can invite to your house. Can invite to your parties and events. Enjoy spending time. Never get too close or personal.
B) Close Friends
Honest - No sexual interest - Comfortable - Non-competition - Your age. Trust Worthy - Can talk to about anything and can invite to your house, parties, and events. They don't get into your stuff. Your drawers. Enjoy healthy activities.
C) Love and Relationships: There are 4 Common Types:
1) Soulmate: Share Deep Romance, Intimacy, Life Goals, Interests, love working together on projects. Enjoy writing to each other and talking for hours. Extreme intellectual compatibility. They always find joy and happiness together, never look for someone else, or have time to bother each other or other people, they have the same friends and same enemies. They can't get enough and won't want to miss a moment in each other’s life. It all happens naturally. Never impose the idea of love instead of a reality. "Love is not looking at each other, but it is looking the same direction". Have you experienced that kind of a relationship?
Me, Yes! Absolutely!
2) TwinFlame: Everything you ever wanted!! You don’t need to talk, you understand each other. Strong Telepathy. Have gone through similar life experiences before meeting each other. You could find out that you have had identical life paths. For example both gone to college for an art class, or both gone through a similar exotic life time adventure or even trauma or a stunt that no one else could have experienced or ever could understand, nor pretend. “Just the 2 of US is realistic”. Once met can’t leave. Too involved and very much in love. It takes a lifetime to meet a TwinFlame. Have you experienced that kind of a relationship?
Me, Yes! Happening Now!
- Sometimes, it's not even so easy to come across the soulmate or a Twin-flame. "Star Crossed Lover" is a type of a relationship variation of a twin or a soulmate where as 2 lovers find themselves passionately in love but must face external obstacles: witchcraft, family feud, or other lifetime traumatic events involving villains, crimes, or sickness. Sometimes the 2 lovers can overcome these obstacles and live happily ever after while sometimes they can’t be together anymore after the trauma. Most famous Star Crossed Lovers films are the classic Disney “The little Mermaid”, Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet”, also in modern films Titanic, and lastly Mission Film: Mission: Impossible III (M:I:III) (2006) [Julia Meade]: Shot in the head by Philip Seymour Hoffman while Philip is interrogating Ethan Haunt. It's later revealed that this was actually Bahar Soomekh disguised as Michelle. The real Michelle survives the movie.
4) Playmates: It’s most common dating scene in big cities (self-indulgent, too young, too old, looking into the wrong place in life, or wrong age group), (not looking for a long term love but confused, although might have fun for a while. Insecure. Not sure. On and Off. Easily distracted with new lovers. It is most common in Hollywood. Might have fun on set making a film, but not really compatible off screen. Childhood friends can be playmates-who have grown up apart but still have fun seeing each other at parties just not a long term compatibility. Playmates are better off as friends.
4) Teachmate: Are the villains who pretty much ruin your life. Once you think someone was your friend or lover, turns out not. Maybe, one needs the other for specific period of time. Attraction is over either when he/she gets their needs met or when she/he doesn't get their needs done and star fighting their partner. As soon as soon as that needing time is over, the relationship is over too, or one burnt out and got out of a relationship completely burnt. Most likely never look back. One never learn anything from that partner but learn by suffering in that relationship. This relationship is fueled by jealousy and haters in general ending in a bitter break up or a nasty divorce. This person can also be a possessive obsessive abusive ex that won’t go away mistaken themselves to be the right partner for you after you have dumped them, they keep trying to control you via the harassment and manipulations ; until you call the police. Seriously the jokes are over. You can't even be a friend with this person. They ruin your life. And you have moved on.